
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Swindon Open Studios 2011

Last night was the official Opening night for the Swindon Open Studios. It took place at Artsite in Swindon ,where the Substance exhibition is still running at the moment. The Substance Exhibtion made a good backdrop to the evening. Video here... Gordon Dickenson made the video, afraid I had already left the building!
A most interesting evening, meeting some of the other interested artists. The Open Studios is taking place on 2 weekends in September -- 10-11 and 17-18 September.

A powerpoint slide show was running of participating artists work as a taster.

I am considering opening my new studio for the weekends in question. I am not sure how many visitors there would be to my studio, as I do not live in the centre of town and do not know any other artists living nearby. Could be an interesting experience.. .....well I hope so anyway.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Substance Exhibition- open evening

I attended the open event to the substance exhibition last night at Artsite in Swindon see here.. a most interesting event. I forgot to take my camera... typical... but this is one of my pieces of work. My work was in response to my admiration for Julia Caprara. textile artist, who I greatly admired and was so fortunate to be able to work with.

My Batik work from a previous post is now ready to stitch into. all the wax has been removed and the colours are a bit pale to photograph well, so I have the paper work design to the left to give you a hint of what I am up to.

At the moment I am still a hospital visitor chauffeur, my good friends' husband is still in hospital, and as she does not drive and is disabled I have very willingly driven her to the hospital twice a day for the last eleven days. It does infringe on my stitching time.... but some things have to be.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Substance Exhibition

Have just delivered my work to the above exhibition.. it opens on Wednesday 18th May. I am stewarding next Monday (23rd) and Wednesday ( 25th) afternoons if you would like to pop in and have a chat.

Have a look at the Swindon Open studios blog for a photo of my submission of my work- here

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

GWE meeting

Isn't it wonderful to work with like minded stitchers... we had our GWE meeting today( click here for blog) and we had a very good mini workshop on Batik and dyeing... great fun.

Have a look at the new edition of Workbox magazine ( June /July 2011) our latest 2 exhibitions Meadow Larks at Cirencester and Fritillary Tearooms at Cricklade are featured in an article. I am particularly pleased with the layout and photos. Really good article. Thank you Workbox. ( click here)