After a casual stroll around the garden this morning checking the flowering bulbs, then went back to tidying up the workroom / studio.

The dustmen are coming to empty the wheelie bins tomorrow, so it seemed like a good time to chuck the junk out of the room. As you can see, I can actually get to the sewing machine to stitch, and I have emptied my display board too. Its all ready for the next lot of work. Looking forward to starting some new themes for my work.
Could not resist starting on the sketchbooks straight away.... it is lovely to have space to move around. Luckily, so far I have managed to find what I need... bet that won't last. That's the trouble with tidying up...... can never find anything.
I have just updated the blog for GWE, if you would liek to see some of the work which was on display at the Steam Museum... pop over an have a look here