Wednesday February 15th 2006 was the day, with encouragement from some Internet chums, I started blogging and I must confess I never thought it would last. I had never indulged in the daily diary activity, as a child or adult, and thought that a blog was something similar. So I have proved myself wrong and have clocked up 300 posts......amazing. Diaries tend to remain a fairly private activity and not designed to be viewed by others, whereas a blog can be viewed by all who look for, stumble upon, or follow links to the blog. Isn't the internet wonderful for allowing us an insight into other textile artists worlds. I love visiting other peoples' blogs. I have learned so much about the everyday life of different countries, cultures and regions within the Uk.
Another aspect I have really come to enjoy is the comments left from fellow bloggers. Always a joy.
As a family we recorded family events with photos, an activity I inherited from my father. For a blog to work for me, it has to have lots of photographs. To my mind, this post has too much writing so far!
Looking back over this blog - I have really enjoyed the activity and am always so surprised that anyone visits and reads my ramblings......let alone comment. So please keep visiting and commenting , you are very welcome.
In true diary fashion a record of the todays events (with photo) .
Rather a hectic start to the day, as we are having the outside of the house re-painted. So lots of garden furniture to move out of the way, to enable the ladders to reach the upper windows.
Lovely afternoon though with the Great Western Embroiderers, we were playing with the automatic patterns available on the sewing machine.
Shirley has also designed a badge for us all, and explained how she had digitised and stitched it out on her machine. We had great fun. Probably as a result of the wonderful warm weather we are experiencing, numbers attending the meeting were down. I suspect they were all in their gardens. Weather is glorious at the moment.... just right for painting the house.
After I got back home, unpacked the car, and made a pot of tea for the workers. I realised I had not seen Herr Schnauzer for a while. Then to my horror discovered someone had left the back gate open. He had decided to take himself for a walk, after extensive searching found him again. So am really relieved, as he has no traffic sense whatsoever! Phew! Needless to say he is fast asleep after his adventure. Me? I was a nervous wreck!