It was a wonderful day, weather wise and so was the K & S show. My first stop on arriving at Ally Pally was to leave my crochet coral with the Crafts Council for the hyperbolic coral reef. It was displayed in the entrance Hall, so that was straight forward. It was also good to see some teenagers learning the craft.There was lots to see and buy and do.... but best of all was meeting up with lots of Internet chums. So here are the sexy six!
Thank you to Annette ( a helpful passer -by) who took the photo for us.
There was such a lot to see at the show,
Maggie Grey had her new book on her stand, I wonder how many of us now have catalogues in our gardens? Think the online work, related to this book is going to be great fun. Have a look at the blog of my internet chum
Mags, the catalogue she found is wonderful
Maggie had also just collected
Julia Carparas' book from the printers in the morning. It is a wonderful inspirational book on colour. Wish I had had it last Tuesday when I was teaching the teachers. Would have been an inspirational visual aid for them to see.
Talking about colour,
Ruth Issetts stand was a delight.. so bright and full of primary colours, just what we expect. It was lovely to see
Jean Drapers new work too.... lovely distressed and burnt books.
Our Internet chum
Anita Bruce was showing her work in the graduate showcase.... and wow soooooo fantastic! A definite "must see" for the future.
Gill was helping on the WI stand, whereas
Paulene like me, was free of supervising any stands and so we had the opportunity to wander around together. Great company, thanks Paulene. We also had to visit our Internet chum
Dale and we both succumbed to buying some of her wonderful slushies for our embellisher work. Fortunately Dales suitcase had finally arrived from Perth and so she had some clean clothes to wear, so we were told by another chum!!
It seemed that all too quickly it was 5pm and we had to leave. I had travelled to the show from home with
Kath so we met up to travel home together. After a lovely meal at Victoria station we went to catch the coach. It was delayed by 30 minutes, however our one and a half hour journey actually took four and a half hours. We arrived home just before midnight... due to 3 accidents on the motorway. Thank goodness we had eaten!