( hexagon patchwork pin cushion)
This is a pincushion I made from some left over fabrics manufactured by Rose and Hubble. I found them in my stash from dressmaking days, so a real blast from the past.
These hexagons of course are a very traditional English Patchwork design. It is generally called Grandmothers flower garden. The hexagons are first cut out of thin card, then covered in fabric and the fabric is tacked into place, the edges are then oversewn by hand. A lovely activity when sat in front of the TV.
( view across Lydiard Park from the house)
Or an ideal activity when stewarding exhibitions, my stint of stewarding at Lydiard House was very busy as we had many visitors that day. It was a lovely opportunity to talk to everyone about what we like to do at Great Western Embroiderers, because we have lots of fun as well as being very creative. The local Link magazine attended the Mayors opening of the "Traditions" Exhibition at Lydiard House and the article is here ....
GWE are also featured on the BBC website see here which features the national Museum Night in which you will be able to see behind the scenes at Lydiard House at night. GWE and the Traditions exhibition is featured as a highlight.
( daughters finished hexagon cushion)
Thought I would also post a photo of the finished hexagon cushion made by daughter, so lots of activity again this week in the studio. Also her birthday today... so Happy Birthday!!!