
Monday, November 05, 2007


Would some one please tell my cactus... its not Christmas yet! It is flowering beautifully, and yes I know the shops are filling up with festive gifts and decorations.... but in my house .... not yet please!

My family seem to be catching the Christmas bug too. I have been asked/cajoled into knitting a cardigan for the 8 month old GC. I had not joined in the present knitting frenzy gripping the world. Looks like I will have to now. When my children were younger I used to make all their clothes... and that included knitting. Sadly my skills have laid dormant and unused for a number of years.

Not to be defeated though I set forth with needles and wool.... ribbing was OK... but the bubbly textured pattern.. .....that has defeated me and has been pulled out 3 times. My lame excuse is -- I was busy watching CSI New York on the telly! Seems that my multitasking skills left home as well last night.
I think they expect that this cardigan will form part of the Christmas present this year for the GC.... I am blogging about it to shame myself into continuing. Right, will attack that pattern again tonight... wish me luck.


Kate North said...

Obviously, it's a Hallowe'en cactus. Someone else whose blog I read has one in full bloom right now too - now who was it - oh, I think maybe Amy (

AmyB said...

You found out my secret -- my cactus is also celebrating Halloween! Perhaps it thought the cascades of blossoms would "pass" as a costume :)

Maggie Grey said...

Did you find the end of the needle - hope it's not in the end of the dog!