
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

At last

Whilst a lot of the country and my chums have been enjoying the delights of huge snowfalls.. we have been just freezing cold here in Wiltshire. It Finally warmed up lasts night to 0 C... so we woke up this morning to some snow.

Quite pathetic compared to the rest of the country, but at least we still can get out and about. I have managed to get quite a few chores completed too like getting the car serviced.

And I have also managed to get some stitching completed that has been hanging around for years. I am going to enter this piece into the South West Region of the Embroiderers Guild Exhibition 2011.
I have finished the sketchbook, and have tried to create a small video... but need to redo the whole thing.. light levels have been very poor, and so may get it ready for the next post. Here are some stills. I will need to send the sketchbook off to the US soon.

Its mostly a lot of doodles, but as I mentioned before, I have enjoyed the freedom. top photo shows, machine stitching and ink drawing, bottom photos - on the computer using the graphics tablet and printing on paper.

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